October 2020

Multicultural Sports Club

Winner of the 2020 Play by the Rules Award for Clubs

The Multicultural Sports Club were the winners of the 2020 Play by the Rules Award for clubs. Below is a short interview and presentation to Janelle Kirby, who provides an overview of the Keep Moving Stay Active Campaign. 

What we did

The MSC partnered with Metro South Health Services, Logan Together, Community Hubs of Logan and Community Engagement team of Access Community Services Limited (ACSL) to strengthen the program and support offered as a response to COVID19. The MSC is an Initiative of ACSL allowing us to provide wrap around support including:

  • Translators for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse families who need increased support to understand information of the pandemic and to provide appropriate physical activity information during the campaign
  • Provide referrals to emergency relief if families had been impacted financially
  • Partner with case workers and youth officers for better relationships and understanding of needs

The MSC designed and launched Keep Moving Stay Active Campaign in April, 2020 to respond to expressed community need to stay active and well.
Link to Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/keepmovingstayactive

The project involved:

  • Designing and delivering physical activity packs via non-contact for families who did not have sports equipment at home – packs has tennis, footballs, outdoor games, water bottles, coffee mugs, hats, hoops and more
  • Inform members and broader community of the online campaign which was accessible for all – with regular updates in multiple languages – about COVID and physical activity ideas
  • Filming Coaching videos and making them available with competitions to incentivise engagement
  • Establishing relationships online and maintaining regular engagement
  • Collaborating with other organisations using similar engagement methods.
  • Supporting ongoing employment for sports coaches to design and record creative videos targeting physical and mental wellbeing.

One Competition Video Link: https://www.facebook.com/MulticulturalSportsClub/videos/964372490676964


Why we did it

The Multicultural Sport Club (MSC) quickly recognised the concern for healthy body and minds during the pandemic; especially for families from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds who may become further isolated, have increased anxiety, and difficulty accessing services or support for their physical and mental health.

Working with the CALD communities allowed us to understand barriers to using zoom or accessing IT equipment during the pandemic; as an organisation, we concluded phone calls would be the best way to begin our community consultation to inform our engagement strategy during the pandemic.

In March 2020, MSC spent two-weeks conducting community consultations via phone. 400 families were contacted to participate in the discussion establishing:

  • How they were coping with the pandemic; were they understanding Information
  • How they were staying active
  • What would support them to stay active
  • Understand if they had access to IT and sports equipment
  • Provide a referral to emergency relief or Harmony Place counselling services where required

The results concluded families were struggling to remain active in the home and felt disconnected which was Impacting their mental health. Particular concerns were raised for families with children under the age of 8 years old.

What were the results

We created a formal final report to review the strategy. The report included statistics from Facebook and Instagram, consultation data, community feedback and follow up consultation data and direct deliverables tracking quantitative data.

Alongside the formal reporting stage, we engaged all stakeholders using Microsoft Teams to conduct a debrief and reflection for the future of KMSA and how to maintain our engagement sustainably to support the CALD community online and in the home.

KMSA Facebook Group Highlights
 Total Members
 Total Posts
 Competition Entries
 Campaign Participants
 149  76 30


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People who clicked on a post
Engagements or page visits
Online Community Reach