Kid with disability rowing


The Registration to Work with Vulnerable People Act 2013 applies to anyone involved in child-related work or volunteering in Tasmania.

Information on registration requirements and organisations obligations are available from the Department of Justice Registration to Work with Vulnerable People website.

In Tasmania from the 1 July 2024 the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Child an Youth Safe Organisations Framework comes into effect. Compliance is required by law in accordance with the Child & Youth Safe Organisations Act (2023).

There is a lot more to keeping children safe in sport than just complying with the legal requirements. Developing practices to create a child and youth safe culture in your sport, not only minimises the risk of child abuse, but also creates supportive physical and emotional boundaries in which children and young people can participate.

More information on creating child safe sport and active recreation organisations in Tasmania is available from Active Tasmania website - Child Safety and Sport.

Further Resources

The Child and Youth Safe Standards aim to promote the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, and prevent abuse and harm.

The Reportable Conduct Scheme, which is new for Tasmania requires sporting organisations to notify the Office of the Independent Regulator (OIR) of any issues that arise.


Please note that this information remains guidance only. You should check with the relevant State/Territory organisations local to you to ensure you are accessing up to date information. 

It remains the responsibility of each individual club/sporting organisation to ensure that their club policies and procedures are contemporary, up to date and meet your compliance and legal requirements.  PBTR takes no responsibility for any content that is out of date or inaccurate due to the passage of time.


Updated:October 2021 in conjunction with Sport and Recreation Communities Tasmania